结论 Conclusion - FT中文网

结论 Conclusion


E. Conclusion


Extensive data indicates that the world is ageing rapidly, and that human society it is now entering an age of longevity. The population age structure will gradually arrive at a new steady state with five major characteristics: low mortality, low fertility, steadily increasing life expectancy, a population age structure tending to become pillar-shaped, and an elderly proportion of the population which exceeds one quarter of the total during the plateau period. With the onset of the age of longevity, survival with illness will become a common phenomenon. In order to ensure a higher level of quality for their longer lives, the personal expenditures in healthcare will rise sharply, and massive demand for healthcare will promote the development of the health industry as well as changes in the health industry’s structure. At the same time, the social savings structure and the forms by which individual wealth is accumulated in the age of longevity will change, and individuals will rely more on investment returns and the accumulation of wealth to meet their eldercare and healthcare needs. The age of longevity will inevitably also bring an era of health and an era of wealth. From a macro perspective, there are currently a range of views on the impact of the age of longevity on the macro-economy: some believe that the increase in the proportion of the elderly population will lead to a slowdown in economic growth, while some recent studies indicate that the age of longevity may not necessarily lead to a decline in the economic growth rate. In the age of longevity, socio-economic development will face challenges, such as the limited efficiency of social innovation and deepening wealth inequality, inter alia. Nonetheless, there are also opportunities, particularly for more vibrant longevity economies, which are better adapted to the socio-economic structure of the age of longevity. The value of the elderly will be re-recognised, positioned and discovered. Japan is currently one of the countries with the oldest population worldwide. In the age of longevity, Japan’s labour force, society and economy have undergone profound changes, a fact which has empirical implications for China as it deals with the impact of the age of longevity. It can be inferred from the Japanese experience that economic development can be effectively promoted by increasing human capital, accelerating technological guidance, promoting social equity, building effective capital markets, and ushering in a longevity economy to create a third demographic dividend, amongst others. The age of longevity has already arrived. Compared with other countries, China has a large population base, and population ageing is accelerating. However, its per capita income and savings are not as high as those of developed countries when they were at a similar stage of demographic transition, and it will face difficulties supporting the healthcare and eldercare consumption of individuals once they retire. The arrival of the age of longevity will have a greater impact on China’s society and economy, and re-planning the arrangements for the entire lifespan of an individual in the age of longevity is an issue which society, government and companies need to consider. Chinese companies are already actively exploring solutions to the age of longevity by leveraging corporate practice to drive social change in order to provide sustainable, stable development for China and the rest of the world in the face of the challenges and opportunities of the age of longevity.


This article has provided a systematic explanation of the characteristics and causes of the age of longevity, expanding and elaborating its meaning and connotations. It also provides detailed research into the associated academic theories, and discusses the challenges and opportunities posed by the age of longevity from a dynamic view. It provides suggestions for China’s strategic response, and puts forward preliminary ideas for solutions and specific business practice. Within the theoretical framework of the age of longevity, the next step will be to further expand and enhance research into academic theories on the age of longevity, including demography, health economics and the longevity economy, inter alia, in-depth research of the demand structure and means of production of the longevity economy, as well as extend the practical exploration of solutions for the age of longevity, focusing on a discussion of ways to proactively drive change in social and industrial structures, direct the development and change of commercial enterprises, and solve the various social issues that the age of longevity may bring based on age of longevity theory within the context of China’s socio-economic development.


① 2014年International Health Economics Association(iHEA)曾以长寿时代的健康经济(Health Economics In the Age of Longevity)为主题举办世界健康经济大会。

② 寿命损失年数(YLL)是带病患者的死亡年龄与该年龄所对应的人口预期寿命之间的差值,残疾生命年数(YLD)等于一种疾病/受伤的普遍性指数乘以此疾病的严重程度。一个单位DALY代表健康损失了1年。针对每种疾病/受伤可以计算一个人群的DALY值,用来说明不同疾病所带来的对于健康的损失。

③ 健康预期寿命(HALE)将伤残权重应用于健康状态,计算可以预期健康生存的年数,参见https://www.who.int/gho/mortality_burden_disease/life_tables/hale_text/en/

④ 数据来源UK health research analysis 2009/10报告,参见


⑤ 数据来源Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Medical Expenditure Panel Survey,参见


⑥ 《财经》2019年11月12日报道,格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)表示,因为人口老龄化,美国、英国等社会福利支出出现显著增长,福利的支出挤占了国内储蓄总额的空间,进而挤出了国内投资总额,后者正是生产力增长的主要决定性因素。

⑦ 哈佛商学院案例参见Kirby, William C., Shu Lin, John P. McHugh, and Yuanzhuo Wang. "From Cradle to Heaven: Taikang Insurance Group Inc." Harvard Business School Case 320-088, February 2020. (Revised March 2020.)


⑧  In 2014, the International Health Economics Association (iHEA) held a World Health Economics Conference on the topic of Health Economics In the Age of Longevity.

⑨  Years of lost life (YLL) is the difference between the age of death of a sick patient and the population life expectancy corresponding to that age. Years lived with disability (YLD) equals the universality index of a disease/injury multiplied by the degree of severity of the disease. One DALY unit represents one year of loss of health. The DALY value for a population can be calculated for each disease/injury to illustrate the loss of health caused by different diseases.

⑩  Health life expectancy (HALE) applies a disability weighting to a healthy state, and calculates the number of years over which one can expect to remain healthy. See: https://www.who.int/gho/mortality_burden_disease/life_tables/hale_text/en/

⑪  Data source UK Health Research Analysis 2009/10, please see: http://www.ukcrc.org/research-coordination/health-research-analysis/uk-health-research-analysis/

Data source: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. See: https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-expenditures-vary-across-population/#item-start

⑫  A Caijing report on 12 November 2019 quoted Alan Greenspan as saying that the significant rise in welfare expenditure driven by the ageing population in countries such as the US and UK meant that welfare expenditure was squeezing total domestic savings, and then total domestic investment, which is the decisive factor for the growth of productivity.

⑬  For the Harvard Business School School case, see: Kirby, William C., Shu Lin, John P. McHugh, and Yuanzhuo Wang. “From Cradle to Heaven: Taikang Insurance Group Inc..” Harvard Business School Case 320-088, February 2020. (Revised March 2020.)


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