Global finance industry sinks $119bn into companies linked to deforestation | 全球金融业向毁林相关公司投入1190亿美元资金 - FT中文网

Global finance industry sinks $119bn into companies linked to deforestation

Investigation shows extensive financing activity has continued since Paris accord on global warming
Global banks and asset managers have extended a total of $119bn of financing to 20 major agribusinesses linked to deforestation in the five years since the Paris agreement was brought into force, according to an investigation by the Global Witness campaign group.
全球见证组织(Global Witness)的一项调查显示,在《巴黎协定》生效后的5年里,全球银行和资产管理公司向20家与森林砍伐有关的大型农业企业提供了总计1190亿美元的融资。
Leading global lenders JPMorgan, HSBC and Bank of America were among the biggest funders of the companies, which included Brazilian meat producer JBS, each striking dozens of funding deals between 2016 and 2020, the research found.
研究发现,全球领先的银行摩根大通(JPMorgan)、汇丰(HSBC)和美国银行(Bank of America)都是这些公司的最大资助者,其中包括巴西肉类生产商JBS,每家银行都在2016年至2020年期间各达成了数十笔融资交易。
Deals included almost $730m-worth of financing for Olam International, one of the world’s largest food ingredient suppliers, and its subsidiaries from JPMorgan via revolving credit facilities, the data showed. Olam International is under investigation by the Forest Stewardship Council for allegedly destroying rainforest in Gabon.
数据显示,这些交易包括通过循环信贷安排,为全球最大食品配料供应商之一Olam International及其子公司从摩根大通获得价值近7.3亿美元的融资。因涉嫌破坏加蓬的雨林,Olam International正在接受Forest Stewardship Council的调查。
Deforestation is a major source of carbon emissions, and tackling the issue is expected to be among the topics under discussion by global negotiators at the upcoming COP26 UN climate summit in the UK.
Despite the growing interest among companies in planting carbon-absorbing trees, tackling deforestation in supply chains remains a less of a mainstream issue for many investors than other environmental concerns such as measuring direct corporate emissions.
Data on more than 5,000 deals, shared with the FT, indicate that the top five banks by total deal value — which included BNP Paribas and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) — struck almost 570 bond, credit, and underwriting deals with 20 agribusinesses over the period, worth a combined $32bn.
与英国《金融时报》分享的5000多笔交易的数据显示,按交易总额计算的前五大银行——包括法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)和中国工商银行(ICBC)——在这一时期与20家农业企业达成了近570笔债券、信贷和承销交易,总价值达320亿美元。
All five institutions except the ICBC have “no-deforestation” policies. All 20 agribusinesses have been publicly linked to deforestation, and were listed in a database of companies active in forest-risk sectors, such as soy palm and beef, assembled by the global coalition of campaign and research organisations under the Forests & Finance umbrella group.
除中国工商银行外,所有五个机构都有“不砍伐森林”政策。所有20家农业综合企业都与毁林有公开联系,并被列入一个在森林风险行业(如大豆、棕榈和牛肉)活跃公司数据库。由全球多家从事研究和倡导的组织发起的联盟“森林与金融”(Forests & Finance)创建了这一数据库。
“Despite the fact that many of these banks have voluntary commitments on deforestation and on climate change, they’re continuing to have relationships with companies that are linked to deforestation,” said Colin Robertson, senior forests investigator at Global Witness.
“The overarching problem is there is a lack of [legal] obligation on banks” to change practices, he added.
As the largest, China’s ICBC arranged financing for eight of the 20 companies, the data show. That included providing about $1.1bn worth of loans and revolving credit facilities to commodities trader Cofco International, which has been at the centre of allegations by advocacy group Mighty Earth that suppliers linked to Cofco had cleared more than 20,000 hectares of forest in Brazil between 2019 and 2021.
数据显示,作为最大银行的中国工商银行为20家公司中的8家安排了融资。其中包括向大宗商品交易商中粮国际(Cofco International)提供价值约11亿美元的贷款和循环信贷安排。倡导组织Mighty Earth指控与中粮有关联的供应商在2019年至2021年期间砍伐了巴西逾2万公顷森林,中粮国际一直处于这些指控的中心。
Cofco said that no illegal deforestation occurred on farms it sourced from during that time.
JPMorgan, the second-largest financier, underwrote three bonds between 2018 and 2019 for commodities trader Cargill, which has been accused of sourcing soy grown in deforested areas.
Last year, the salmon producer Grieg Seafood identified Cargill over its “soy-related deforestation risk in Brazil”. JPMorgan declined to comment.
去年,三文鱼生产商Grieg Seafood就嘉吉“在巴西与大豆相关的毁林风险”对其施压。摩根大通拒绝置评。
Cargill said it did not supply soy from farmers who cleared land illegally or in protected areas, and suspended suppliers that were found to be deforesting protected areas.
Barclays and Santander, meanwhile, each underwrote three bonds between 2018 and 2019 for JBS, the meat producer that has faced scrutiny from activists and investors for links to destruction in the Amazon rainforest.
JBS said the company had a “zero-tolerance” policy for deforestation, and had stopped working with suppliers that breached it.
Santander said the bank was “committed to protecting the Amazon” and expected its beef processing clients in the region to have a “fully traceable supply chain that is deforestation-free” by 2025.
Although many banks and investment groups have “no-deforestation” policies, they can be limited in their scope. For example, they may define deforestation as the destruction of certain tropical or rare forests, rather than of any woodland. The ban may also not extend to legal deforestation.
Policies can also be difficult to enforce and monitor. Banks may ask clients to ensure their suppliers are not involved in the destruction of forests, but many large food companies say they cannot account for the behaviour of every supplier.
Global Witness said the 20 agribusiness’s “problematic track records should have raised major red flags for bank compliance teams”. 
Although lawmakers in the EU, UK and US have proposed regulations designed to eliminate deforestation from businesses’ supply chains, none would extend the additional due diligence requirements to financial institutions.
The Global Witness research involved analysis of bond and share issue underwriting agreements, as well as bond holdings and lines of credit from lenders headquartered in the UK, EU, US, and China. Bond issuances were the biggest source of funds, followed by revolving credit facilities and corporate loans. The year that Paris accord on global warming came into force, 2016, was the busiest dealmaking year by value, followed by 2019.
In addition to direct financing, the 1,500 banks and asset managers tracked in the database held about $37.5bn worth of shares in the 20 agribusinesses, as of the fourth quarter of 2020, the data showed.
HSBC said the bank “has exited, is in the process of exiting or has no banking relationship related to forestry, palm oil or cattle with the majority of entities named in the report”.
BNP said the list collated by Forests & Finance “does not identify actual deforestation practices but rather ranks all companies whose activities may be considered ‘at risk’ for forests”. Ceasing to fund companies in risky sectors “would have no positive impact on their practices, as they would continue to be able to rely on a number of other lenders”, it added.
Barclays, Bank of America and Olam declined to comment. ICBC did not respond to a request for comment.
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